Felix Kwakye Ofosu, spokesperson for former President John Dramani Mahama and Minister-designate for Government Communications, has reiterated that President Mahama is committed to running a lean government that remains efficient in addressing the country’s challenges.
In an interview on TV3’s Key Points on Saturday, January 25, Kwakye Ofosu emphasized that Ghanaians have accepted the president’s resolve to reduce the size of the government while maintaining its effectiveness. He contrasted Mahama’s approach with that of President Akufo-Addo’s administration, which had 120 ministers, arguing that despite the larger size, the Akufo-Addo government had failed to deliver satisfactory results.
“Ghanaians have accepted that we will have the leanest and most efficient government,” Kwakye Ofosu said, adding that this structure would help save public funds and improve service delivery.
He also pointed out that despite the reduced size, Mahama’s government would perform well, countering the notion that a larger cabinet is necessary for better outcomes.
In the same discussion, University of Ghana Professor Ransford Gyampo urged Mahama’s appointees to be visionary in their approach, stressing the importance of setting higher standards than those set by the previous administration. He warned that failure to do so, and a lack of humility in dealing with the public, could lead to electoral repercussions.
The President, for his part, expressed confidence in his appointees’ ability to meet the demands of their portfolios and drive the country’s development forward.