Felix Kwakye Ofosu, Presidential Spokesperson, has acknowledged that the late arrival of Minister-designate for Gender, Children, and Social Protection, Agnes Naa Momo Lartey, at her swearing-in ceremony was due to logistical issues on their part.
Lartey, who was scheduled to be sworn in alongside five other ministers on January 23, 2025, did not arrive in time for the event held on January 24. Kwakye Ofosu explained that the event planners had sent the notice at the last minute, and Lartey had been dealing with a family emergency that required her to be outside Accra.
“We were unfair to her in some ways,” Kwakye Ofosu admitted. “It was to her credit that she showed up at all. She had communicated her situation honestly, and we respect the public’s sentiments on this matter.”
He added that Naa Momo had informed them about her situation, explaining that the family emergency had made it difficult for her to arrive on time. Despite this, the event organizers encouraged her to attend if possible, and made arrangements for her absence in case she couldn’t make it.
Kwakye Ofosu further explained that the organizers had anticipated her potential absence and prepared two versions of the speech, one with Lartey’s name and one without. “We had to switch immediately because we had prepared for that scenario,” he said.
Lartey was expected to be sworn in alongside other key appointees, including Ahmed Ibrahim (Minister for Local Government), Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare (Minister for Trade), Abla Dzifa Gomashie (Minister for Tourism), Emelia Arthur (Minister for Fisheries), and George Opare-Addo (Minister for Youth Development).