A tense verbal confrontation unfolded on Tuesday, January 28, between Frank Annoh-Dompreh, the Minority Chief Whip, and Emeafa Hardcastle, the Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Petroleum Commission, during a break in the Parliamentary Appointments Committee’s proceedings.
The altercation appears to have been sparked by Hardcastle’s comment, reportedly referring to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) caucus as a “Micro-Minority.” While the precise catalyst for the clash remains unclear, sources suggest the remark ignited the verbal exchange, which drew attention from those present.
The confrontation occurred amid a wider political atmosphere marked by allegations from activist Oliver Barker-Vormawor, who accused the committee of bribery, prompting discussions over whether to suspend proceedings. As committee members and guests stepped outside for the recess, Annoh-Dompreh and Hardcastle’s dispute escalated into a public exchange.
“You are threatening that you will take me on because you are who?” Hardcastle reportedly asked, challenging Annoh-Dompreh.
To which Annoh-Dompreh fired back, “You called us Micro-Minority.”
Hardcastle responded, “But you’re a Micro-Minority. Doesn’t Afenyo himself use that phrase? Don’t bring yourself. Do you think you can bully me here?”