A devastating fire has ravaged the bustling Kantamanto Market in Accra, leaving traders and bystanders in shock. The inferno, which started in the early hours of the morning, consumed numerous stalls and goods worth thousands of cedis. Eyewitnesses told The Dot News they saw flames spreading rapidly through the densely packed market, with firefighters battling for hours to contain the blaze. While the exact cause remains under investigation, several marketers have expressed suspicions of arson, citing recent tensions and disputes among traders. Authorities are on the scene to assess the damage and gather evidence as the community calls for swift action.
Kantamanto on fire
A devastating fire has ravaged the bustling Kantamanto Market in Accra, leaving traders and bystanders in shock. The inferno, which started in the early hours of the morning, consumed numerous stalls and goods worth thousands of cedis. Eyewitnesses recount seeing flames spreading rapidly through the densely packed market, with firefighters battling for hours to contain the blaze. While the exact cause remains under investigation, several marketers have expressed suspicions of arson, citing post-election tension among traders. Authorities are on the scene to assess the damage and gather evidence as the community calls for swift action.
Watch the video here.
Source: TheDotNews