A devastating fire in Nima-Moke, a slum located within the Asokore Mampong Municipality of Ghana’s Ashanti Region, has displaced dozens of residents, destroying over 50 wooden makeshift homes. The blaze, which broke out around 4:30 p.m. on Friday, left many families without shelter.
The fire was exacerbated by the presence of combustible materials in the densely populated area, which is home to a significant number of migrants from Northern Ghana seeking better economic opportunities in the south. Many of the victims were away at work or the market at the time of the fire, making it difficult for them to salvage their belongings.
Eyewitnesses reported that the fire originated in one of the structures and spread quickly, partly due to delays in the response from the Ghana National Fire Service. The fire service has yet to comment on the specifics of the delay.
This is not the first fire-related disaster to hit the area. In 2020, a similar blaze displaced many residents and caused significant damage to property and valuables.
Local authorities have yet to announce plans for providing assistance to those affected, and many displaced families remain uncertain about where they will find shelter in the aftermath.