Elon Musk who was very active on X throughout Election Day accused Google of favoring vice president Kamala Harris with its ‘where to vote’ option. He did not directly level the allegations but shared posts that claimed that when users searched ‘where can I vote’, the search option showed ‘where can I vote Harris’ — because Harris County is a county in Texas.
Google acknowledged the issue that was flagged by the users that Where can I vote for Harris search was producing an interactive map tool to find polling places but was not doing the same for ‘where can I vote for Trump’.
The ‘where to vote’ panel is triggering for some specific searches [because] Harris is also the name of a county in [Texas],” Google said in a statement. “Fix is coming,” the search giant said, adding: “Note very few people actually search for voting places this way.” Elon Musk responded to the clarification.